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Starch is defined as an organic compound of plant sources. The added sugars is one of the carbohydrates. Starch is presented in numerous plant foods such as tubers (e.g. potatoes) and grain and is an essential component of human nutrition.
For celiacs, the distinction of gluten-free starch (e.g. rice, potatoes or corn) and gluten-containing starch is of great importance.
Since the EU Starch Declaration of 2000, celiacs assume that if only "strength" or "modified starch" on a food package is available, these starches are gluten free. When starch contains gluten, it must be specified using the exact title, for example wheat starch. An exception is the specially marked gluten-free wheat starch, which contains such a small amount of gluten and may therefore cause no symptoms in the small intestine.
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